Java Software Solution Ch11_ PP1 ; Exception Class (try-catch)
PP 11.1
Write a program that creates an exception class called StringTooLongException, designed to be thrown when a string is discovered that has too many characters in it. In the main driver of the program, read strings from the user until the user enters "DONE". If a string is entered that has too many characters (say 20), throw the exception. Allow the thrown exception to terminate the program.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PP11_1 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String str;
try {
System.out.print("String (If you want stop, 'DONE') : ");
str = scanner.nextLine();
while(!str.equals("DONE")) {
if(str.length()>20) { throw new StringTooLongException(); }
System.out.print("String (If you want stop, 'DONE') : ");
str = scanner.nextLine();
} catch (StringTooLongException st) { System.out.println("The characters are 20 or more."+ st);
public class StringTooLongException extends Exception{
public StringTooLongException() { super(""); }
< Console >
String (If you want stop, 'DONE') : SE111
String (If you want stop, 'DONE') : CHAPTER 8
String (If you want stop, 'DONE') : HOMEWORK 8
String (If you want stop, 'DONE') : PP 11.1
String (If you want stop, 'DONE') : OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING
The characters are 20 or more.ch8.StringTooLongException: