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응답에 \ 가 포함 에러 현재 ApiResponse 객체에 JSON 데이터를 문자열로 반환하고 있어서, 이때 문자열 내의 특수 문자(예: " 등)가 이스케이프 처리되어 \ 문자가 붙은 상태로 출력되고 있습니다. 이를 해결하기 위해서는 JSON 데이터를 파싱하여 객체로 변환한 후, 그 객체를 다시 JSON 문자열로 변환하여 반환하거나, 이스케이프 문자가 없는 형태로 바로 반환할 수 있도록 수정해야 합니다.{ "status": "success", "data": "{\"events\":[{\"id\":\"66d0baae4106f82fb1036f84_20221028T030000Z\",\"title\":\"일정 제목\",\"type\":\"USER\",\"calendar_id\":\"primary\",\"is_recur_event\".. 2024. 9. 4.
Java Software Solution Ch7_PP3 PP 7.3 Write a class called SalesTeam that represents a team of salespeople. Each salesperson on the team is represented by the SalesPerson class of PP 7.2. Each team has a name, and the constructor needs only to accept the name of the team. Use an ArrayList to store the team members. Provide a method called addSalesPerson that accepts a SalesPerson object. Provide a method called weeklyReport t.. 2024. 5. 1.
Java Software Solution Ch7_PP2 PP 7.2 Create a class called SalesPerson that represents a salesperson in an organization. The SalesPerson class should have the name, the phone number, and the assigned district of a salesperson. Each salesperson acquires a certain sale amount every day. Provide a constructor that sets all instance values based on parameter values. Overload the constructor such that each daily sale amount for a.. 2024. 5. 1.
Java Software Soution Ch7_PP8 PP 7.8 Write a Java interface called Lockable that includes the following methods: setKey, lock, unlock, and locked. The setKey, lock, and unlock methods take an integer parameter that represents the key. The setKey method establishes the key. The lock and unlock methods lock and unlock the object, but only if the key passed in is correct. The locked method returns a boolean that indicates wheth.. 2024. 5. 1.
Java Software Solution Ch11_PP3 ; Exception Class PP 11.3 Suppose in a particular business all documents are given a twocharacter designation starting with either U, C, or P, standing for unclassified, confidential, or proprietary. Create an exception class called InvalidDocumentCodeException, designed to be thrown when an improper designation for a document is encountered during processing. If a document designation is encountered that doesn’t.. 2024. 4. 28.
Java Software Solution Ch11_ PP1 ; Exception Class (try-catch) PP 11.1 Write a program that creates an exception class called StringTooLongException, designed to be thrown when a string is discovered that has too many characters in it. In the main driver of the program, read strings from the user until the user enters "DONE". If a string is entered that has too many characters (say 20), throw the exception. Allow the thrown exception to terminate the progra.. 2024. 4. 27.